Friday, September 13, 2013

Currently Obsessing: ZooKshop - Antler and Horn Pieces

I'm not even clear how I found these glorious painted animal parts. I was wandering aimlessly around the internet when suddenly my computer screen was filled with all sorts of amazingness.
I love pieces that start a conversation. These DEFINATLY do that. I don't know anyone who owns anything like this (yet), but that's probably for the best. Friendships tend to be strained when you are constantly trying to steal things off their walls. Which is what I would do if I ever walked into a house where one of these bad boys resides. Rip it right off the wall and make a run for it.
Sorry I'm not sorry, love makes you me do crazy things.
pink/grey/black painted deer skull. ZooKshop @ Etsy
purple/mint antler. ZooKshop @ Etsy
neon pink/yellow painted deer skull. ZooKshop @ Etsy
 Someday I'm going to hang one of these bad boys up on my wall. Until then they'll just have to hang out here.
Someday, I'll come back for you my darlings....

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Currently Obsessing: Gold Flatware

I have always had both feet firmly planted in team silver. Silver everything, never gold. So imagine my surprise when a few weeks ago, I suddenly became OBSESSED with gold. Problem is, every piece of metal in my house is silver. Jewelry, place settings, candlesticks, picture frames, EVERYTHING. Not a drop of gold.

So like a reasonable human being, I bought myself a bunch of gold chain necklaces, hoping that would solve the problem. Nope. I'm feeling a little pot-committed at this point. I've got a seriously silver lifestyle going on here and now is not the time to suddenly become gold obsessed. Because its going to be really obvious when gold stuff starts appearing in our house, and I'm one of those lucky girls who's husbands actually pay attention and knows when new things show up.

And also because I promised him I was on a spending freeze when we got back from our honeymoon in Greece. That just might not be realistic.

I need gold flatware.

Whaaaat? Dip-dyed flatware? Anthropologie
So Simple. West Elm
Also in matte black. Because why not?
My E-Bay shopping cart is full of half sets and mismatched lots of gold flatware. But I'm not going to buy any of them because "I meant what I said and I said what I meant, an elephants faithful, 100%".
Sigh worthy, no?

Introductions: A Bit About Me

2013 year has been pretty freakin' awesome.
I got married, my daughter started kindergarten, and I started saving for retirement. I'm feeling pretty grown up. Somewhere along the way, life has gotten really busy. I hear that's part of this whole adult situation I seem to have gotten myself into.
My family is awesome. We've all been a little banged up on the journey so far, but in my mind, I've ended up with so much more than I ever though possible.
 all shiny and happy and newly married.
Whoever saw fit to allow me to end up with a guy like him and child like her, I owe you an eternal debt of gratitude.
my favorite-est small person
Enter Things I Didn't Make Up. This is one part DIY projects (or at least some incentive to finish all the projects laying around the house), one part a forced attempt to clean up/organize/decorate our house, and one part style (home, personal, etc).

Now, shall we get this party started?